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Maltese Tongue Twisters

1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister

Please click on the number above the tongue twister for a rough translation;
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Hawha hamra mhawwla fil-hamrija hamra ta' Hararaw


Toni taghna tani tina tonda talli tajtu tuta tajba talli tela it-telgha tat-Tramuntana!


Luuqa mlaqqam il-laaqi laaq-laaqa il-qara li qala u-qela bil-aaqal.


Dari rari tara re: tara lira tara re.


Trakk fuq trakk. Trakk taht trakk.


Ġorġ raġa’ ġà mill-gaġġa tal-ġgant.


Tapp itik hu, tapp ittik hu.


Platt fuq platt, platt taht platt.


qafas tal-qasab imdendel mas-saqaf


Patri minn Napli mar Kapri ghall-papri
Mela f'Napli m'hemmx papri
Biex patri minn Napli mar Kapri ghall-papri


Ir-re ta’ l-Ingilterra, gie Malta jixtri t-terra
Mela fl-Ingilterra m'hemmx terra
Biex ir-re ta’ l-Ingilterra,
gie Malta jixtri t-terra


Ir-re ta’ Batti Platti,
mar biex jixtri l-platti catti;
mela f'Batti Platti m'andux platti catti
biex mar jixtri l-platti catti
bod minn artu Batti Platti.


Tqahqaht tqahqieqa u t-tqahqieha li tqahqaht kienet tqahqieha kbira.


il-pespus pespes pespisa lil pespusa tal-pespus u l-pespusa tal-pespus għat-tpespisa tal-pespus, pespset.


Toni tagħna tani tina,
Talli tajtu tuta tajba.
Trid tarah lil Toni tagħna
tiela’ it-tela tat-Tintillu.
'Ta’ Toni, tin tlieta tonn.
Tatinix tonn tinten, tin tonn tajjeb,
ta’ Ton.'


Il-pespus pespes pespisa lil pespusa tal-pespus.
Meta il-pespus pespes il-pespisa, il-pespusa pespset.


Platti catti platti fondi, int u tiekol tikkonfondi.

Rough Translations

  1. up A red peachtree planted in red soil of (the village) of Hararaw.
  2. up Our Tony gave me a round fig because I gave him a good berry, because he climbed the North Hill!
  3. up Luke nicknamed the Toady licked the gourd which he picked and fried carefully.
  4. up In old times you would rarely see a king: when you see a pound-note, you would see a king.
  5. up Truck on a Truck, Truck under a Truck
  6. up George came back already from the cage of the giant.
  7. up He gives you a lid, she gives you a lid.
  8. up A plate on top of a plate, a plate underneath a plate.
  9. up A cage made of reeds hanging from the ceiling.
  10. up The monk from Naples went to Capri to get ducks. Why did the Monk from Naples had go to Capri to get ducks? Aren't there any ducks in Naples then?
  11. up The King of England came to Malta to buy baby powder. Why did the King of England had to visit Malta to buy baby powder? Isn't there any baby powder in England then ?
  12. up The King of Clinking Plates went to buy some plain plates; So in Clinking Plates he didn't get plain plates. If he went to buy plain plates away from his homeplace Clinking plates.
  13. up I coughed a cough and the cough that I coughed was a big cough.
  14. up The male pipit called to the female pipit, and the female, on hearing the male calling, called too.
  15. up Our Tony gave me a round fig because I gave him a good berry. You should see our Tony going up the Tintillu hill. 'Hey Ton, give me three tuna fish. Don't give me smelly tuna, give me good tuna, please Ton.'
  16. up The male pipit chirped to the female pipit about the male pipit. When the male pipit chirped, the female pipit chirped back.
  17. up Flat plates round plates, as you eat you get confused.


Bob Bertuello, Bob Bertuello, Louis Bezzina, Jesmond Camilleri, Denise Cassar, Natalino Fenech, Mary Hole, David Micallef, Manwel Mifsud, Maurice Mifsud, Winston Pirotta, Rami Saari, Justin Vassallo, George Vella


Ethnologue, Languages of the World: Maltese

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Compilation © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister was last updated on 2018-06-15.