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Javanese Tongue Twisters

1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister

Please click on the number above the tongue twister for a rough translation;
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Kakang kakung kula kelangan kalung ing kalen kilong kilong gram.


Kala kula kelas kalih kula kilang-kileng wetan kali kelangan kalung kula kaliyan kula keloloden kolang kaling kalih.


Kang Kerto karo Karti tuku kertu karo kertas karton ning ngingsor kretek Kertosono.


lor ril, dul ril, lor ril, dul ril, lor ril, dul ril, ...


Lor rel kidul sepur.


Pitik blorok klorok bolak balik.


Grobak numplak gupak glepung.


Piting njengking ning jedhing kecokot luwing mlayu pontang-panting.


Pitik blurik kluruk bolak balik ketiban dingklik tiba njempalik.


kira kira karsa karo karta kuru sapa


Kalim klelep klagep klagep, klawe klawe merga klambine keli


Kuncung klonthang - klanthung kesandhung kecemplung kedhung


Laler menclok nang lore ril

Rough Translations

  1. up (?) My brother lost his necklace in many kilos.
  2. up When I was in the second year, I looked over at the east side of the river because I lost my necklace while I was also choked by two kolang-kaling (name of fruit)
  3. up Mr. Kerto and Kerti buy cards and carton papers under the bridge of Kertosono.
  4. up north of the railway, south of the railway
  5. up On the north is the track, on the south is the train.
  6. up The spotted chicken crows over and over.
  7. up The oxcart overturned and struck the floor.
  8. up A crab squats with its bottom facing up, in the toliet, bitten by a centipede, and runs helter-skelter.
  9. up The spotted chicken crows over and over; a stool falls upon it that it (the chicken) tumbles upside down.
  10. up Who's the thinner, Karsa or Karta?
  11. up Kalim drowned, gasped, and waved his hand because his shirt drifted by the river flow.
  12. up Kuncung worthlessly walking around, bumped and plunged into river.
  13. up A fly landed/sat on (the) north side of (the) railway.


Sari Ayu, Phoenk Jhamando, Libertissima Jiyuu, Agus Salim, Emanuel Sunarto, Wahyudi Supriyono Amir, Wahyudi Supriyono Amir, Raymond Weisling


Ethnologue, Languages of the World: Javanese

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Compilation © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister was last updated on 2018-06-15.