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Indonesian Tongue Twisters

1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister

Please click on the number above the tongue twister for a rough translation;
You can use this form to submit a new tongue twister.


Buaya, biawak, buaian,
Buaya, biawak, buaian,
Buaya, biawak, buaian, ...


Dudung, ambilkan dandang di dinding dong, Dung!


Jangan coba-coba cium cucu-cucuku kalau cuma mau cium cucu-cucuku cuma-cuma.


Partai-partai perempuan berpertemuan di dekat perempatan Prembun.


Rika tarik-tarik rok Rina dan Rina tarik-tarik rok Rika. Rok Rika robek-robek dan rusak dan Rok Rina rusak-rusak dan robek.


Santapan kita setiap jam setengah satu siang satu soto sapi sama seratus tusuk sate sapi pula.


Saya sebal sama situ sebab situ suka senyum-senyum sama suami saya sehingga suami saya suka senyum-senyum sendiri saja.


Sempat-sempatnya semut-semut itu saling senyum-senyum dan salam-salaman sama semut-semut yang mau senyum-senyum dan salam-salaman sama semut-semut itu.


Tiba-tiba, Si Botak batuk-batuk di atas batu bata.


Toko-toko di kota kita tutup ketika kita tetap buka toko kita.


kakaktua kakak kakekku kenal kakaktua kakak kakekmu


Anjing bawa paku,
anjing bawa paku,
anjing bawa paku


Satu ribu, dua biru, tiga ribu, empat biru, lima ribu, enam biru, tujuh ribu, delapan biru, sembilan ribu, sepuluh biru, ... (terus sebanyak-banyaknya)


Kepala, kelapa, kepala, kelapa, kepala, kelapa, ...


Harta Harto, Harta Harto, Harta Harto, ......


Keledai makan kedelai di kedai.


Ular lari lurus.


Kuku kaki kakak kakak ku kayak kuku kaki kakek kakek ku.


Ular melingkar di pagar.


Kutuku butuh tubuhku, tapi tubuhku tak butuh kutuku.

By Ray Weisling


Engkau ulung guling ulang ulas suling.

by Ray Weisling


Kuku kaki kakekku kaku.


Kuku kaki kakek koki kakakku agak kaku.

by Ray Weisling


Saya suka sama suami situ sebab suami situ suka senyum-senyum sama saya.


Pelopor tua pula bakal lapar apabila lupa bawa buah pala.

by Ray Weisling


Katak tergeletak di dalam kotak.


satu sate tujuh tusuk, satu sate tujuh tusuk, ... (sebanyak-banyaknya)


kuku kaki kakak kakek kiki kaku-kaku


ular melingkar-lingkar di pinggir pagar


kucing kuningku kencing di kunci-kunciku


Bang Anang, lagi ngapain Bang Ngarbi berangkat ke Nganjuk, ngomel-ngomel ngkali!


kuaci, kacang, kecoa, kuaci, kacang, kecoa, ...


Kuku kaki kakakku kaku kena paku.


Kuku kaki koki kakak kakekku kok kaku-kaku, kak?


kucing kuning kencing, kucing kuning kencing, ...


tongkat kontak tongkol, tongkat kontak tongkol, ...


kecoa kuaci cakueh, kecoa kuaci cakueh, kecoa kuaci cakueh, ...


Kelapa diparut, kepala digaruk, Kelapa diparut, kepala digaruk, Kelapa diparut, kepala digaruk, ...


kuku kaki kakak kakek Kiki kaku-kaku


Boli bolak-balik beli bola bulat


Tukul pikul bakul-bakul isi sanggul di pinggul.

Rough Translations

  1. up Crocodile, lizard, swing/craddle, ...
  2. up Dudung, please get me the dandang (Indonesian traditional rice cooker) that is hanging on the wall.
  3. up Don't try to kiss my grandchildren for free.
  4. up Those women's parties have meeting near the crossroads of Prembun.
  5. up Rika pulls Rina's skirt and so does Rina. Rika's skirt are torn, snd so are Rina's.
  6. up Our meal every 12.30 in the afternoon is one 'soto' and one hundred of sates.
  7. up I don't like you because you like to smile at my husband, so my husband like to smile by himself.
  8. up How come those ants keep smiling and shaking hand with those willing to smile and shake hands with them.
  9. up Suddenly 'si Botak' cough on the bricks.
  10. up The shops in our town were close when we still opened ours.
  11. up my granpa's older brother's parrot know your granpa's older brother's parrot
  12. up Dog brings nail.
  13. up One thousands, two blue, three thousands, four blue, five thousands, six blue, seven thousands, eight blue, nine thousands, ten blue, ... (keep going)
  14. up head, coconut, ...
  15. up Harto's wealth
  16. up The donkey is eating the soybean at the stall.
  17. up The snake slithers straight.
  18. up My sisters' toenails look like my grandfathers'.
  19. up The snake coils around the fence.
  20. up Kutu-ku butuh tubuh-ku, tapi tubuh-ku tak butuh kutu-ku. Lice-my need body-my, but body-my not need lice-my. My lice need my body, but my body doesn't need my lice.
  21. up You are skilled at rerolling flute sheathes.
  22. up nail toe grandfather-my stiff. 'My grandfather's toenail is stiff.'
  23. up My brother's cook's grandfather's toenail is rather stiff.
  24. up I like your husband because your husband always smiles at me.
  25. up The old pioneer is sure to become hungry if he forgets to bring nutmeg fruits.
  26. up The frog lies in the box.
  27. up one satay seven sticks, one satay seven sticks, one satay seven sticks, ... (keep going)
  28. up The toenail of Kiki's granduncle (grandfather's brother) is stiff.
  29. up The snake coils up at the edge of the fence.
  30. up my yellow cat pees on my keys
  31. up Brother Anang, why should Brother Ngarbi be leaving for Nganjuk (a small town in east Java), I'll bet he's got something to grumble about!
  32. up kuaci (a name of snack), nut, cockroach
  33. up My big sister/brother's toe nail is stiff because of a pin.
  34. up Nail-toe-cook(n)-older sibling-my grandfather-kok= a word in passing-stiff-bro/sis? Why are my grandfather's brother's cook's toe nails so stiff, Bro?
  35. up kucing=cat, kuning=yellow, kencing=pee, ...
  36. up stick, contact, tongkol=some kind of fish, ...
  37. up cockroach, sunflowerseed, cakueh (indonesian snack), ...
  38. up Coconut being grated, head being scratched, coconut being grated, head being scratched, coconut being grated, head being scratched, ...
  39. up Kiki's grandfathers older brother's toenails are very tough/hard to clip.
  40. up Boli (runs) back and forth and buys a round ball.
  41. up Tukul lifts baskets contained hair buns on the hip.

Terima kasih

Sukmaerdawaty Abdul Salim, Ana Aprilia, Ray Bahana, James Chandra, Hana Efendi, Mark Eliasaputra, Gilbert Emerson, Noor Azian Fakurazi, Robert Greaves, Patricia Henry, Ranti Junus, Frank Landsman, Mei Lee, David Loryman, Fia Mirtasari, Joan Pang, Ardi Prasidya, Ardi Prasidya, Diar Rachmaningtyas, Paul Rattray, Aswin Sastrowardoyo, Silver Sauber, Wahyudi Supriyono Amir, Franklin T., Raymond Weisling, Ami Wen, Fransisca Wungu, Augustina Xiao, Avianti Yulianita


Ethnologue, Languages of the World: Indonesian

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Compilation © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister was last updated on 2018-06-15.