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Basque, Euskara or Euskera Tongue Twisters

1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister

Please click on the number above the tongue twister for a rough translation;
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Alkipean kapa, kapa alkipean; alkipean kapa, kapa alkipean. ...

from Baztan, Navarre


Arabako abadearen kapelapean baba-garau bi.

from Zeanuri, Biscay


Aurten gure ortuan artoa berde erne da.

from Biscay and Gipuzkoa


Arre, orrea, aurrean, arraioa.

from gipsie folklore


Baga, biga, higa, laga, boga, sega, zahi, zohi, bele, harma, zixpa, tiro, punp

from Donibane Garazi, Navarre


Beleak Berreagara zerbait daroa; badaroa, berea daroa; baba errea agoan daroa.

from Derio, Biscay


Eztot ikusi Akerreneko akerra bezain adarrak okerrak dituen aker adarrokerrik.

from Larraun, Navarre


Juanikotxu: akerra Matarrapeiko aker adar okerragorik eztot nik ikusi.

from Aulesti, Biscay


Ikusi xut aker oker, adar makar okerrik; baia etxut ikusi Lakarreko aker-oker adar-makerra bezain ederrik.

from Eaurta, Navarre


Iputz-apezak napar-istupez atorra, napar-apezak iputz-istupez atorra

from Larraun, Navarre


Kanbon palangak pagoz

from Ahatsa, Navarre


Murku zar arkapeko, arkapeko murku zar.

from Arrasate, Gipuzkoa


Olagarroaren erro errea larra errean gora

from Biscay and Gipuzkoa


Prailaren kapelan pikua pranko.

from Azkoitia, Gipuzkoa


Prailaren kapa - kapeleran bost baba - garau.

from Lekeitio, Biscay


Akerrak adarrak okerrak ditu.
Okerrak adarrak akerrak ditu.


Itsasoan dabiltzan itsasontziaren ontzian, itsasoko itsazkiak, itxita daude.


Aldapeko sagarraren adarraren puntan, puntaren puntan, txoria zegoen kantari. Txiruliruli, txiruliruli, nork dantzatuko ote du soinutxu hori?


Atzo, atzo, atzo, atzo hil ziren hamar atso; baina ardoa merkatzen ez bada, hilko dirade beste asko. Atzo, atzo, atzo, atzo hil ziren hamar atso.


Aintziko urerat ilargi laurden bat erori zan. Zuri, jori, gauko zitu zori: igelek jan dute, igeltto igeldariek. Orain, berriz, intzirika dagoz igel igelttoak, igel igeltto xoroak ... Gau minean aintziko igelek dute, ai ei! ilargi-min.


Tiriki tauki tauki, mailuaren hotsa. Tiriki tauki tauki, mailuaren hotsa. Ederki dantzatzen da gure mutil motza, ederki dantzatzen da gure mutil motza.

Rough Translations

  1. up The cape, under the chair; under the chair, the cape. (To be said, at least, ten times in a row)
  2. up Under the Araba priest´s hat, two beans.
  3. up This year the corn has come out green in our field. (To be said many times)
  4. up Gee, dough, in front, lightning. (To be said ten times in just one breath)
  5. up One, two, three, four, five, scythe, bran, ripe, crow, arm, spark, shot, bang
  6. up A crow takes something to Berreaga; if it really takes it, it takes it; it takes in its beak a cooked bean. (To be said twenty times)
  7. up I havent seen a billy goat with horns as twisted as the one from Akerre.
  8. up Little John: I havent seen a billy goat with horns as twisted as Matarrapeis one. (To be said time after time)
  9. up Ive seen twisted billy goats, with thin twisted horns; but I havent seen any as beautifully twisted as the one-eyed billy goat with extremely twisted horns of Lakarre.
  10. up To priests from Gipuzkoa, shirts from Navarre; to priests from Navarre, shirts from Gipuzkoa
  11. up In Kanbo, the sticks are made from beech-trees. (To be said nine times in just one breath)
  12. up Old vessels underneath chests, underneath chests old vessels
  13. up The cooked tentacle of the octopus on top of the burnt meadow. (To be said ten times in just one breath)
  14. up In the friars hat, plenty of figs.
  15. up In the friar's hood, five beans. (To be said five times in a single breath, there used to be bettings upon this)
  16. up Billy-goat's horns are twisted. Twisted horns are owned by billy-goat.
  17. up In the box of the ship on sea the sea fish are held. Spanish: En el cubo del barco que va por el mar, los peces del mar estan encerrados.
  18. up The bird was singing on the tip of the branch, on the tip of the tip of the apple tree below the slope. Txiruliruli, txiruliruli [onomatopoeia], who will dance that sweet melody?
  19. up Yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday ten old women died; but if the wine doesn't reduce its price, a lot more will die. Yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday ten old women died.
  20. up A quarter of moon fell into the water of the marsh. White, plentiful, ripe fruit of the night: the frogs have eaten it, the swimmer frogs. Now, however, the frogs are groaning, the crazy frogs, little frogs ... In the unpleasant night the frogs of the marsh, ai ei! miss the moon.
  21. up Tiriki tauki tauki [onomatopoeia], the sound of the hammer. Tiriki tauki tauki [onomatopoeia], the sound of the hammer. Our short boy dances very well, our short boy dances very well.

Eskerrik asko

Galder Ibarra, Juan Larruquert, Gartxot Mendiara, Borja Perez


Ethnologue, Languages of the World: Basque

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Compilation © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister was last updated on 2018-06-15.