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Catalan Tongue Twisters

1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister

Please click on the number above the tongue twister for a rough translation;
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A mi si que re m'hi fa que faci sol.


Duc pa sec al sac, m'assec on sóc, i el suco amb suc.


Peret, treu-te el pot del pit, que put.


Una gallina xica, pica, camatorta i ballarica va tenir sis polls xics, pics, camatorts i ballarics. Si la gallina no hagués sigut xica, pica, camatorta i ballarica, els sis polls no haguessin sigut xics, pics, i ballarics.

used by Salvador Dali


Diu qui, diu jo, diu si, diu tu, diu qui, diu jo, diu no, diu Ah!


Senyor amo, l'una aca la he treta, l'atra aca la trac?


A les sis tinc set el càntir és buit és nou i encara es deu.


Tinc tanta sang que a les cinc tinc son.


Quan m'ajupia codonys collia
Quan m'aixecava, codonys agafava
De genollons, collia, collia
De genollons, collia, codonys.


A Rubí cotó collir, a Rubó collir cotó.


A pi xic escala no cal, a pi alt escala cal; si cal du-li.


Barcelona sona si la bossa sona. Però tant si sona com si no sona, Barcelona és bona.


Com a ploure, prou que plou, Pau, però plou poc.


Duc com puc un ruc a un duc rus mut.


En Pinxo va dir a en Panxo:
- Vols que et punxi amb un punxó?
I en Panxo va dir a en Pinxo:
- Punxa'm, però a la panxa no!


En Fabra té una cabra sobre cada arbre.


En Pere va per la carretera amb un carro carregat de rocs, que fa carric, carrac, carric, carrac.


En cap cap hi cap que Déu en deu deu.


La boteta de vi vi té.
Té tap?
Tap té.
Té tap i tapó?
Tap i tapó té.


Si qui deu deu diu que deu deu diu el que deu i deu el que diu.


- Els catalans parlant sembla que trenqueu nous.
- Que te creus que te crec?


Tinc una gana, una son i una set,
que no menjo, ni dormo, ni bec,
si menjava, dormia i bevia,
la gana, la son i la set em passarien,
però com que no menjo, ni dormo, ni bec,
no em passa ni la gana, ni la son, ni la set.


Un rus que és ros, té un ris i està al ras sense fer res.


Una ovella, serella, merella, llanuda, llanada cap i coronada tenia sis corderets serells, merells, llanuts, llanats, cap i coronats. Si la ovella no haguera sigut serella, merella, llanuda, llanada cap i coronada, els seus corderets no haurien sigut serells, merells, llanuts, llanats, cap i coronats.


Collint llidons a la llidonera.


Una gallina tica-xica-mica, cama-curta i ballarica,
va tenir tres pollets, tics-xics-mics, cama-curts i ballarics.
Si la gallina no hagués estat tica-xica-mica, cama-curta i ballarica,
els tres pollets no serien tics-xics-mics, cama-curts i ballarics.


En un got no hi pot haver-hi hagut vi bo del fort sense un embut.


La perdiu li diu a la garsa:
- Què fas aquí tu, garsa?
- I tu, perdiu? - la garsa li diu.


En Pere Peret pintor, premiat per Portugal, pinta pots i potinguetes per posar pebre picant.


Les oques s'esmolen els becs a les soques.


Vaig al bosc i busco vesc i visc del vesc que busco al bosc.


Qui roba una arrova de roba no roba la arrova sinó que roba la roba.


Un plat blanc pla ple de pebre negre està.


En cap cap cap el que cap en aquet cap.


Setze jutges d'un jutjat mengen el fetge d'un penjat.
Si el penjat es despenja, els setze jutges del jutjat no podran menjar mes fetge del penjat.


Plou poc, pero pa lo poc que plou, plou prou.


De genollons codonys collia, de genollons collia codonys.


En quin tinter te tinta en Ton?


Els llurs llocs de les valls de Llers.


Un plat pla ple de pebre negre n'era.
Un plat pla ple de pebre negre n'està.


Els avis indicats son savis sindicats. Els savis indicats son avis sindicats.


En Piu que manobra fou,
fent un pou va perdre un peu,
el seu amic Pau digué,
Pol en Piu té un peu al pou.


La rica de la parròquia no duu perruca perquè li raca.


Si fa sol Milá redòla.

Musical notes: Milá was a pilot from Valencia at the beginning of 20th century.


Donem setge quinsets se fetge fregit.


En cap cap cap el que hi cap el que hi cap en el cap de cap de creus.


Els avis murris porten els nuvis a Gràcia en òmnibus gràtis.


De genollons genollons, collia collia, de genollons genollons, collia codonys; de genollades, codonyades, i amb els dits, codonys collits.


Una tauleta ben entrilinquinquadradeta,
mal entrilinquinquadradeta,
ves a buscar a l'entrilinquinquadrador
que té l'entrilinquinquadre millor.
Sino està l'entrilinquinquadrador,
que la entrilinquinquadradora
te l'entrilinquinquadre a la seua manera.



Cards verds taquen, cards secs piquen.


Codonys collits amb la punta dels dits

from Valencia

Rough Translations

  1. up For me is not important that the sun shines. Wordplay with the musical scores.
  2. up I carry dry bread in my bag, I sit down where I am and I dip the bread into the gravy. Spanish: Llevo pan seco en este saco, me siento aquí i lo mojo en la salsa.
  3. up Pete, take the pot off your chest because it's rotting.
  4. up Says who, says me, says yes, says you, says who, says me, says no, says Ah!
  5. up Master, I took one jack out (of the stall), should I take the other one out too?
  6. up At six (o'clock) I'm thirsty, the jar is empty, it is new and is still owed. Wordplay with the numbers. Spanish: Se juega con los números: seis (sis), siete(set), ocho (vuit), nueve (nou)y diez (deu). También con los dos significados y misma pronunciación de: set: siete/sed, vuit/buit: ocho/vacío, nou: nueve/nuevo, deu: diez/debe (del verbo:deber). Tradución: A las seis tengo sed, el cántaro está vacío, es nuevo y todavía se debe.
  7. up I have so much blood that at five I'm sleepy. Spanish: Tengo tanta sangre que a las cinco tengo sueño.
  8. up When I crouched I gathered quince. When I got up I gathered quince. On my knees I gathered, gathered, on my kneees I gathered quince. Spanish: Cuando me agachaba, membrillos cogía. Cuando me levantaba, membrillos agarraba. De rodillas, cogía, cogía de rodillas, cogía membrillos.
  9. up Pick cotton in Rubí (a town); Pick cotton in Rubó. Spanish: En Rubí algodón recoger; en Rubó recoger algodón.
  10. up No need for ladder for a small pine tree, needed for a tall pine tree; if needed, take it. Spanish: Pino pequeño no necesita escalera, pino alto si que la necesita, si la necesita llévala.
  11. up Barcelona sounds good if the money is good, but whether it sounds good or not, Barcelona is good.
  12. up Well, it really rains, Paul, but it only rains a little.
  13. up I bring a donkey as I can to a dumb Russian duke. SpanishLlevo como puedo un burro a un duque ruso mudo.
  14. up Pinxo asked Panxo, "Do you want me to pierce you with a punch?" And Panxo answered Pinxo "Pierce me, but not in my belly!" Spanish: Pinxo preguntó a Panxo: - Quieres que te clave un alfiler? Y Pinxo dijo a Panxo: - Clavamelo, pero no en la barriga.
  15. up Fabra has a goat over each tree.
  16. up Peter go on the road by lorry with stones, to make a carric, carrac, carric, carrac.
  17. up It's unthinkable that God owes ten (10).
  18. up I have a leather wine bottle. Does it hve a cap? It has a cap. Does it have a cap and a stopper? Cap and stopper it has. Spanish: La bota de vino, tiene vino. Tiene tapón? Tapón tiene. Tiene tapón y taponcito? Tapón y taponcito tiene.
  19. up If one who owes ten says that he owes ten he is saying what he owes and he's owing what he says.
  20. up - When you Catalans speak, it seems like you break nuts. - Do you think I believe you?
  21. up I´m so hungry, sleepy and thirsty, that I don´t eat, nor sleep, nor drink, if I ate, slept and drank, hunger, sleep and thirst would be over, but as I don´t eat, nor sleep, nor drink, hunger, sleep and thirst are still with me.
  22. up A Russian guy that is blonde, has a curl in his hair and is standing outside (the street) without doing anything.
  23. up One lamb, "serella", "merella" [nonsense words which play with "mesell", green person], woolly, full of wool, head and crowned has six little lambs serells, merells, woolly, full of wool, head and crowned. If the lamb hadn't been serella, merella, woolly, full of wool, head and crowned, its little lambs wouldn't have been serells, merells, woolly, full of wool, head and crowned.
  24. up Picking quince from the quince tree. Spanish: Cogiendo membrillos en el (arbol del membrillo)
  25. up A tica-xica-mica (nonsense words), short-legged and dancing hen, had three tics-xics-mics, short-legged and dancing chicks. If the hen hadn't been tica-xica-mica, short-legged and dancing hen, the chicks wouldn't have been tics-xics-mics, short-legged and dancing chicks.
  26. up In a glass there couldn't have been good strong wine with out using a funnel. Spanish: En un vaso no puede haber habido vino bueno del fuerte sin (utilizar) un embudo.
  27. up The partridge said to the magpie: "What are you doing here, magpie?" "And you, partridge?" - the magpie said. Spanish: La perdiz le dice a la urraca: - ¿Que haces aquí tú, urraca? - ¿Y tú, perdiz? - la urraca le dice.
  28. up The painter Pere Peret, who was given a prize by Portugal, prints cans and mixtures to put spice pepper in.
  29. up Geese sharpen their beaks on the trunks.
  30. up I go to wood and I look for mistletoe, and I live by mistletoe I look for. Spanish: Voy al bosque a por muérdago, y vivo del muérdago que busco en el bosque.
  31. up He who steals an "arrova" (measure of weight eq. to 11.502 kg) of cloth, doesn't steal the arrova, but he steals the cloth. SpanishQuien roba una arroba de ropa, no roba una arroba, sino que roba la ropa.
  32. up A flat white plate is full of black pepper.
  33. up In no head fits what fits in this head.
  34. up Sixteen judges from a tribunal eat the liver of a hanged person. If the hanged person is unhung, the sixteen judges of the tribunal can no longer eat liver of the hanged person.
  35. up It isn't rain much, but considering how little it rains, it rains enough.
  36. up On my knees quince I gathered; On my knees I gathered quince. Spanish: Arrodillado membrillos cogía, arrodillado cogía membrillos.
  37. up In which inkpot does Tony have ink? Spanish: En que tintero tiene tinta Antonio. Juego de palabras con sonidos que imitan una campana
  38. up Their places of the Llers valley.
  39. up A flat plate full of black pepper was. A flat plate full of black pepper is. Spanish: Un plato plano era lleno de pimienta negra. Un plato plano está lleno de pimienta negra.
  40. up The indicated grandads are unionized wisemen. The indicated wisemen are unionized grandads.
  41. up Piu (common name), who was mason, when making a well lost a foot. His friend Pau (Paul) said, "Pol (another form for Paul), Piu has one foot in the well.
  42. up The rich women of the parish doesn't wear wig because she regrets.
  43. up If it is sunny Milá turns over. Spanish: Si hace sol Milá se revuelca. Frase construida con los nombres de las notas musicales.
  44. up Give me sixteen quinset (four pesetas) of fried liver. quinset = old Valencian name of 25 centime coin Spanish: Deme dieciseis reales de hígado frito. 1 quinset = nombre valenciano de la antigua moneda de 25 centimos = 1 real en castellano.
  45. up In no head fits what fits in the head of the head of Cap de Creus (town). Spanish: En ninguna cabeza cabe lo que cabe en la cabeza de Cap de Creus (ciudad).
  46. up The sly grandparents drive the bride and the groom to Gracia (quarter of Barcelona) on free bus.
  47. up On my knees knees, I gathered gathered, on my knees knees, I gathered quince; kneeled, quince jellies, and with fingers, gathered quinces.
  48. up A small table well entrilinquinquadradeta, bad entrilinquinquadradeta, you have to look for the entrilinquinquadrador and he will get it better entrilinquinquadrated. If the entrilinquinquadrador isn't there, then the entrilinquinquadradora will entrilinquinquadre on his own way.
  49. up green thistles stain, dry thistles prick.
  50. up Quince taken with the fingers' tip


Ana Agud, Josep Armengou, Josep Armengou, Milton Azevedo, Xavier Benlliure, Maida Borras, Eva Campomar Pons, Joan Camprodon, Blai Carrau, Roger Catalan, Richard Coates, Marta Cuatrecasas, Enric Domingo, Josep Maria Domingo, David Esteve, Gemma Fors, David Gimeno, David Gràcia, Xavi Hueso, Vera Idali, Nuria Jaumot Pascual, Maja Landis, Santi Lapeña i Prat, Vicente Llacer, Quico Llach, Josep Madi, Eva Marichalar, Victor Martin, Armando Martínez, Carme Mas, Rosa M. Matamala, Marga Montero, Joan Olivares, Joan Olivares, Carolina Oliveira, Albert Padró-Solanet, María Peñarroya, Dolors Reig, Ignasi Roca, Roi Roca, Dani Rubió, Lluís Sala i Poca, Albert Sanchis i Pujol, María Teresa Sellent, Màrius Serra, Carles Sòria Tendillo, Israel Ubeda, Mercè Vallejo, David Valls, Montse Vericat Esteller, Ricard Vinas i de Puig, Judit Vockenroth, Vera Waldorff


Ethnologue, Languages of the World: Catalan

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Compilation © 1996-2018 by Mr.Twister was last updated on 2018-06-15.